News & Events
- 2/20/2013:
Geoffrey Barrall from EBS will be presenting at the 14th Annual AGBT Meeting in Marco Island, FL, February 20-23, 2013. http://agbt.org/
- 2/11/2013:
Geoffrey Barrall from EBS will be presenting at Molecular Med Tri-Con 2013 in San Francisco, CA, February 11-15, 2013. http://www.triconference.com/
- 2/2/2013:
Prithwish Pal from EBS will be presenting at the 56th Annual Biophysical Society Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, February 2-6, 2013. http://www.biophysics.org/2013meeting/Main/tabid/3523/Default.aspx
- 8/1/2012:
EBS awarded $750k on a Phase II SBIR grant by NIH NHGRI, "New Platform for Ionic Current Measurement with Application to DNA Sequencing"
- 7/1/2012:
EBS awarded $500k on an R01 Grant by NIH NHGRI, "99.99% Accuracy Direct DNA Sequencing via the Protein Nanopore Method"
- 5/24/2012:
EBS awarded a $50k Phase I Option and $1M Phase II SBIR grant by the US Army, "Development of an In vitro Assay as Correlate of Passive Immune Protection Against Botulinum Neurotoxin to Minimize Use of Whole Animal Testing"
- 3/1/2012:
EBS awarded $167k Phase II SBIR grant by the NIH NINDS, "Encapsulated Lipid Bilayer Based Assay for Assessing Botulinum Neurotoxin Potency"
- 9/15/2011:
EBS awarded $800k Phase II SBIR grant by the NIH NIGMS, "Nanopatch System
for Next Generation Ion Channel Recordings"
- 5/27/2011:
- EBS awarded $100k Phase I SBIR grant by the US Army, "Development of an In vitro Assay as
Correlate of Passive Immune Protection Against Botulinum Neurotoxin to Minimize Use of Whole Animal Testing"
More News & Events
- 11/1/2010:
- Scientists from EBS will be presenting at the 55th Annual Biophysical Society Meeting in Baltimore, MD,
March 5-9, 2011 http://www.biophysics.org/Default.aspx?alias=www.biophysics.org/2011meeting
- 9/23/2010:
- EBS Awarded $450k Grant by DARPA DSO, "Rapid Methylation Mapping via 4th Generation Sequencing"
- 9/3/2010:
- EBS Awarded $168k Phase I SBIR Grant by NIH NIGMS, "Nanopore Based Methods for Enantiomer
- 5/25/2010:
- EBS Awarded $150k Phase I SBIR Grant by NSF, "DNA Discrimination Using the Synthetic Hybrid Nanopore"
- 12/1/2009:
- With New NHGRI Grant, EBS Focuses on Nanopore Strand Sequencing, In Sequence
- 9/1/2009:
- EBS Awarded $4.32M R01 Grant by NIH NHGRI, "99.99% Accuracy Direct DNA Sequencing via the Protein
Nanopore Method" http://www.genome.gov/27534236
- 8/4/2009:
- EBS Awarded $4.48M Research Grant by DHS S&T, "50kbase DNA Sequencing by the Nanopore Current Blocking
- 6/22/2009:
- EBS Awarded $300k Phase II SBIR Grant by NIST, "AC Amplifier and System for Nanopore Based DNA
- 1/14/2009:
- EBS Awarded $70k Phase I SBIR Grant by EPA, "Rapid Detection of Algal Toxins"